question.n.answer #7 >> random


1. Do you believe that there’s always room in your heart for your first love?

- kepikiran n ga akan.

2. Do you think that your last ex deserves to die?

- wew....mmmm....skip !! haha

3. Why did you hug the last person you hugged?

- because i love him :)

4. What was the last song that kept ringing on your mind last night before you sleep?


5. Where will you be tonight?

- kamar adek

6. Who do you trust the most in your life?

- Allah SWT

7.Would you change your name?

- No,i love my name.

8. What’s your zodiac sign?

- pisces

9. Do you feel like you’re a good person?

- hohooh...menurutmu ?

10. Do you like to have your hair long or short?

- long hair

11. What do you miss the most in your past?

- jaman kuliah di Unika

12. When’s your birthday?

- 16 Maret

13. Do you believe everything happens for reason?

- I do believe that

14. Where have you been today?

- ini sih masih di perpus...nti entah mo k Gramed...Nyalon...jalan2

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